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skip hadden profileStrumento: Batteria

Stile: Jazz, Fusion
Insegnante della Berklee College of Music di Boston







Skip Hadden, a drummer/educator who has been a part of the music community for over a half century. His early performances in Rock N Roll put him in the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Local Heroes, and later in Jazz with performances with Ira Sullivan, Jimmy Smith, Sonny Stitt, Lou Donaldson, Joe Lovano, Kenny Werner and Bill DeArango, in Fusion with his performance on the Downbeat Magazine album of the Year with Weather Report’s “Mysterious Traveler,” and in Avant Garde music with performances and recordings with Dewey Redman. All of which have provided us with a litany of musical styles to explore.

He  has been teaching since 1964 and has been an educator at the Berklee College of Music for the since 1982. The private lessons and the 13 classes there that he has written  and presented there over that time period include:

Acoustic Characteristics f the Drum Set

Basic Time and Pulse

Lead Sheet Interpretation

Survey of Drum Styles;   Jazz / Rock / Funk / Fusion / World

The Broken 8 Time Feel

Fusion I  & Fusion  II

Survey of Drum Jazz Drum Styles to the 1960’s

Survey of Drum Styles Post 60’s

And the latest “Pathways’ RLRRLRRL Sticking & Variations

He is an established author has written for Modern Drummer, Drum Club, Percussioni, Batteria, Top Drummer and Not So Modern Drummer and his books include “World Fusion Drumming,” “Profiles in Jazz Drumming,” “The Beat, The Body & The Brain II” and “Broken 8 Time Feel.”

“I am most proud of the fact that many of my talented students over the years have gone on to perform and be internationally recognized for their stellar abilities in many styles, not just jazz, or rock, or fusion or world… but Heavy Metal, Country, Brazilian,…whenever their admirable skills could benefit those they perform with.” They were prepared…


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